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22 Pretty Types of Jasmine Flowers (With Pictures)

22 Pretty Types of Jasmine Flowers (With Pictures)

There are over a hundred different types of jasmine flowers, with about 200 distinct species belonging to the Jasminum genus. But with so many choices, which one is best for your home?

The best types of jasmine flowers for your home are those that were created for your location and climate conditions. So, check the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map before selecting one for yourself. Common Jasmine (Jasminum officinale) might be the best choice if you plan to grow jasmine indoors.

This article will list out the most popular types of jasmine to help you select one that makes your home more beautiful and fragrant, both indoors and outdoors. Let’s get started! 

1. Star Jasmine

Star Jasmine Flower

Star Jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides), also called Confederate Jasmine or Southern Jasmine, is one of the most common types of flowering jasmine in the Southern United States. 

It’s also incredibly fragrant, with a sweet scent that lingers long after the blooms have fallen. This jasmine grows in bushy vines, making it a great climbing plant for garden walls, fences, and gates. 

Star Jasmine is also attractive to pollinators, so you’re sure to see more bees and hummingbirds in your yard if you grow this plant.

2. Downy Jasmine

Downy Jasmine

Downy Jasmine (Jasminum pubescens / Jasminum multiflorum) and Star Jasmine are often mistaken for the same flower as both plants sport deep green leaves and delicate white star-shaped flowers

Additionally, both types of jasmine flowers are commonly found throughout gardens in the Southern United States. The primary difference between Downy Jasmine and Star Jasmine is how the plants grow. 

While Star Jasmine tends to climb, Downy Jasmine grows in large bushy clumps. As such, Downy Jasmine is an excellent choice if you’re looking to create a natural border in your backyard.

3. Primrose Jasmine

Primrose Jasmine

While most jasmines are white or pale pink, the Primrose variety (Jasminum mesnyi) is a glorious buttery yellow. These flowers look like tiny suns peeping out from the dark-green, shrub-like branches.

Like most other types of jasmine, Primrose Jasmine is best suited to warm environments, with a listed USDA Plant Hardiness Zone range of 8 to 10.

4. Spanish Jasmine

Spanish Jasmine

Spanish Jasmine (Jasminum grandiflorum) thrives in high-humidity environments and drinks in full sunlight, making it ideal for gardens in Florida, Georgia, and Texas. 

While some jasmine plants only produce scattered flowers, Spanish Jasmine produces an abundance of white blooms, often in large bunches that emit a strong sweet fragrance. This plant is also a climber capable of reaching heights of about 8 ft (2.43m)!

5. Lemon-Scented Jasmine

Lemon-Scented Jasmine

The inviting scent from this plant will instantly make you picture sunny summer days. Lemon-Scented Jasmine (Jasminum azoricum) produces a lemon-like scent (hence the name) that’s almost musky in its intensity.

People looking for perfume-like jasmine plants to make their backyard a scented paradise should consider adding Lemon-Scented Jasmine to their garden beds.

6. Angel Wing Jasmine

Angel Wing Jasmine 'Jasminum nitidum'

Many flowering jasmine plants are climbers or tall-growing shrubs. But Angel Wing Jasmine (Jasminum nitidum) is one of the few jasmine species that stays low to the ground. And the way it grows makes it the ideal groundcover plant.

Angel Wing Jasmine is also one of the most fragrant types of jasmine, sporting comparatively large white flowers with pink-tinged tips that exhale a sweet scent.

7. Stiff Jasmine

Stiff Jasmine

When you plant a Stiff Jasmine (Jasminum volubile) in your garden, you’re enjoying the best of what the jasmine species has to offer. This Australian jasmine grows as a shrub until about 6.5 ft (about 2 m), but its branches are notorious climbers and can continue growing up to 32 ft (about 9.7 m) long!

As such, this white-flowered plant is a great choice for property borders, providing a sound and sight barrier while transforming plain fences and garden walls into gorgeous, flower-covered borders.

8. Winter Jasmine

Winter Jasmine 'Jasminum nudiflorum'

So far, we’ve only discussed the types of jasmine that thrive in warm, humid environments. But it’s possible to enjoy the beauty and fragrance of jasmines even in a colder region.

Winter Jasmine (Jasminum nudiflorum) is one of the few species of jasmine that can endure the cold, and its star-shaped yellow flowers are sure to add beauty to any snow-covered garden.

9. Dwarf Jasmine

Dwarf Jasmine 'Chrysojasminum parkeri'

If high-climbing plants aren’t your type, the yellow-flowered Dwarf Jasmine (Chrysojasminum parkeri) is probably your best bet.

This jasmine might not be as cold-tolerant as the Winter Jasmine, but it can thrive in higher elevations. Also, the Dwarf Jasmine has a maximum height of about 12 in (30 cm), so you don’t have to worry about this plant covering up your gates and fences.

10. Common Jasmine

Common Jasmine

If you’re thinking of rearing jasmine indoors, you should opt for the Common Jasmine (Jasminum officinale), also popularly called the Poet’s Jasmine.

This highly fragrant variety produces bright white flowers (with purple-pink peduncles) that fill a home with a sweet floral scent. The best part is that this plant thrives indoors as long as it’s near a window with enough sunlight. 

But be careful where you place it, though, because this plant can climb too!

11. Cape Jasmine

Cape Jasmine

Regarding the variety of flowers, it’s hard to do better than the Cape Jasmine (Gardenia jasminoides). This type (technically part of the gardenia family) comes in more than a dozen sub-types, making it one of the best choices for creating a colorful and beautiful flower garden.

12. Day-Blooming Jasmine

Day-Blooming Jasmine

If you’re a jasmine purist, you may want to avoid the Day-Blooming Jasmine (Cestrum diurnum), as it’s often referred to as a jessamine.

The Day-Blooming Jasmine is a hardy evergreen shrub that produces bunches of tea-cup-shaped white flowers. Each flower emits a strong sweet scent that will make your garden a more inviting space for friends and family, along with several pollinators.

13. Night-Blooming Jasmine

Night-Blooming Jasmine

The delicate white blooms of the Day-Blooming Jasmine open to greet the sunlight, but the flowers of the Night-Blooming Jasmine (Cestrum nocturnum) only open in the dark.

The main attraction of this jasmine plant is its heady, musky scent, most noticeable in the early morning hours.

14. Forest Jasmine

Forest Jasmine

Those that live in woody areas with plenty of tree cover will prefer to have a Forest Jasmine (Jasminum abyssincium) in their outdoor spaces. This plant naturally attaches to thick tree trunks, winding its way upward, seeking sunlight where it’s available.

The white-pink flowers are quite fragrant, though their scent is slightly less powerful than more fragrant varieties, like the Lemon-Scented Jasmine.

15. Royal Jasmine

Royal Jasmine 'Jasminum nobile'

Most jasmine flowers are tiny, star-shaped blooms that measure less than an inch from side to side.

However, the flowers of the Royal Jasmine (Jasminum nobile) are extraordinarily large, sometimes measuring up to three inches (7.6 cm) in diameter. These powder-white flowers are also quite beautiful, making this plant a must-have for gardens of all sizes.

16. Common Malayan Jasmine

Common Malayan Jasmine 'Jasminum elongatum'

Common Malayan Jasmine (Jasminum elongatum), sometimes called Native Jasmine, is one of the closest cousins of the olive tree. Like other plants in the Oleaceae family, this jasmine produces large black-purple fruits, which aren’t very tasty.

However, the Common Malayan Jasmine isn’t known for its taste but for its sickly sweet scent.

17. Pink Jasmine

Pink Jasmine

The soft, snow-white flowers of most jasmine plants can elevate the look of any spring or summer garden. But if you want to add a bit of color and panache to your home, the Pink Jasmine (Jasminum polyanthum) is ideal.

Although the flowers are almost white, they are tinged with a purple-pink hue that offsets and complements the whiteness.

18. Italian Jasmine

Italian Jasmine 'Chrysojasminum humile'

You can add a touch of Italian sunshine to your yard and garden by planting some Italian Jasmine (Chrysojasminum humile). This plant is one of the most drought-tolerant of all jasmine varieties, and its bright yellow flowers are a colorful addition to any backyard. 

However, if you’re looking for something more fragrant, it’s best to select a different variety, as the Italian Jasmine doesn’t have a powerful odor.

19. Coral Jasmine

Coral Jasmine 'Nyctanthes arbortristis'

Coral Jasmine (Nyctanthes arbortristis), also called Night-Flowering Jasmine, is part of the Oleaceae family. Originally from Asia, this plant is one of the largest varieties of jasmine, with some trees reaching heights of more than 30ft (9.1m).

The orange-centered white flowers are most vibrant during early mornings and evenings and produce a gentle scent that’s less overpowering than the fragrance of most jasmine varieties.

20. Wild Jasmine

Wild Jasmine 'Jasminum multipartitum'

Not everyone likes a well-manicured garden, and some may prefer a more natural and wild backyard. If so, adding a little Wild Jasmine (Chrysojasminum fruticans / Jasminum multipartitum / Jasminum angular) to the mix will work wonders.

Depending on the strain you select, look forward to stunning yellow or white blooms throughout the spring and summer.

21. Arabian Jasmine

Arabian Jasmine 'Jasminum sambac'

If you’re looking for a powerful fragrance to infuse your garden, the Arabian Jasmine (Jasminum sambac) is a perfect choice.

This plant (originally from Asia) thrives in sub-tropical and tropical conditions, making it ideal for those living in warm, wet regions. Its flowers also change color over time, shifting from bright white to pale pink as they age.

22. Stephan Jasmine

Stephan Jasmine

Stephan Jasmine (Jasminum x stephanense), also called Madagascar Jasmine, is one of the newer varieties of jasmine discovered. This plant is a hybrid between the Common Jasmine and the Red Jasmine.

This jasmine produces dainty pink flowers featuring iconic star-shaped petals. These flowers reach their peak bloom during the summer months. Like the Star and Common Jasmine, Stephan Jasmine is also an excellent climber.

Final Thoughts 

With over 200 varieties to choose from, selecting the right jasmine for your garden can be a complicated task. Hopefully, this guide has given you an idea of how to select the right plant based on your geographical location and climate. 

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