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Ruby Necklace Succulent: Grow and Care Guide

Ruby Necklace Succulent: Grow and Care Guide

The ruby necklace plant, also known as Othonna capensis, is a member of the Asteraceae family native to South Africa and is related to the Senecio genus, which includes String of Hearts, String of Pearls, and String of Dolphins.

This trailing succulent can be found growing on rocky slopes or sandy plains in the wild. Its hardy nature and ability to withstand harsh environments make it an excellent indoor plant for many people seeking to add beauty without much hassle to their decor.

This ruby necklace plant care guide will cover essential aspects such as watering, light requirements, soil needs, propagation techniques, potential pests and diseases, and tips to encourage healthy growth.

Key Takeaways

  • Ruby necklace thrives in bright locations and can tolerate a range of light conditions from full sun to partial shade.
  • The plant requires well-draining soil and should be watered thoroughly but allowed to go completely dry between waterings. Overwatering can lead to root rot.
  • Pruning and propagation are important for maintaining the health and appearance of the plant. Stem cuttings can be easily propagated in well-draining soil mix.
  • Regular inspection for pests such as mealybugs or spider mites is necessary, along with proper watering practices to avoid issues like nutrient deficiencies or overwatering-induced diseases.
  • It is low-maintenance, easy to care for, and is non-toxic, and safe for households with children or pets.

What is a Ruby Necklace Plant?

Ruby Necklace Plant on Table

Ruby necklace, also known as string of pickles is a trailing succulent plant admired for its distinctive characteristics. It is a popular indoor plant choice due to its unique and attractive appearance. The plant features trailing stems with small, bean-shaped leaves that have a vibrant ruby-red or purple color when exposed to direct sunlight, resembling a necklace made of rubies – giving it its common name.

Given the right conditions, during its growing season in Spring and Summer, it showcases yellow daisy-like flowers that bloom on top of the plant.

Light and Temperature

The ruby necklace plant is a sun-loving succulent that thrives in bright locations. It has a beautiful bright ruby red color, brought out by exposure to direct sunlight. It can tolerate a range of light conditions from full sun to partial shade with relative ease but won’t do well in low light conditions and will lose its red color.

If grown indoors, place it near a window where it receives plenty of indirect light.

When considering temperature requirements, this plant prefers warmer climates typical of its native habitat but can withstand temperatures as low as 30°F (1°C). 

For optimum growth and vitality, you’ll want to provide temperatures between 55°F – 80°F (13°C – 27°C) during its active growing season. In winter, it is essential to reduce cold exposure to ensure its well-being.

As this plant loves warmth and heat just like most succulents from the Asteraceae family do; maintaining appropriate temperature ranges would protect your plant from unnecessary stress or potential damage.

Watering, Soil, and Fertilization

The ruby necklace plant requires well-draining soil to thrive. It is important to use a succulent soil mix or potting soil with added perlite or sand to improve drainage. The plant prefers to go completely dry between waterings, so it’s essential not to overwater it.

When watering, make sure to water thoroughly and let any excess water drain away completely.

In terms of fertilization, the ruby necklace plant is not a heavy feeder compared to other plants. It benefits from an application of a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted at half-strength during the growing season.

However, be mindful not to over-fertilize as this can lead to nutrient deficiencies and other problems. It’s best to follow the instructions on the fertilizer packaging for proper usage and frequency.

Overall, maintaining well-drained soil and providing adequate but controlled amounts of water and fertilizer will help keep your ruby necklace plant healthy and thriving.

Potting Your Ruby Necklace

To pot and repot your ruby necklace plant, start by selecting a well-draining soil mix that is specifically formulated for succulents. Look for a mix that contains perlite or sand to ensure proper drainage. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you:

Materials Needed:

  • Ruby Necklace plant
  • A suitable pot with drainage holes (choose a size that accommodates the plant’s roots with some extra space to grow)
  • Well-draining potting mix (cactus or succulent mix is ideal)
  • Small stones or gravel (optional, for additional drainage)
  • Watering can
  • A saucer or tray to catch excess water (if the pot has drainage holes)

Choose the Right Pot: Select a pot that is slightly larger than the plant’s root ball and has drainage holes at the bottom. Good drainage is crucial for the health of the ruby necklace plant since it is susceptible to root rot if kept in overly moist conditions.

Prepare the Potting Mix: Use a well-draining potting mix, ideally, one formulated for cacti and succulents. Alternatively, you can mix regular potting soil with perlite or coarse sand to improve drainage.

Add Drainage Material (optional): If your potting mix isn’t well-draining enough, you can place a layer of small stones or gravel at the bottom of the pot before adding the potting mix. This will help improve drainage and prevent water from sitting at the roots.

Remove the Plant from Its Current Pot: Gently tap the sides of the current pot and carefully ease the plant out. You can also turn the pot upside down and support the plant while easing it out.

Inspect the Roots: Once the plant is out of the pot, take a look at its roots. If you notice any damaged, mushy, or blackened roots, trim them with clean and sharp scissors or pruning shears. Healthy white roots are a good sign.

Place the Plant in the New Pot: Position the ruby necklace plant in the center of the new pot, ensuring that the top of the root ball is level with the top of the pot or slightly below.

Fill the Pot with Potting Mix: Carefully fill the pot around the plant with the well-draining potting mix, pressing it down gently to secure the plant in place.

Watering: After potting the plant, water the plant lightly but thoroughly. Allow the excess water to drain out of the bottom of the pot. Discard any water collected in the saucer or tray after a few minutes to prevent the plant from sitting in water.

Find a Suitable Location: This plant loves the sun and can tolerate direct sunlight, as long as it’s not scorching hot. If you plant this succulent outdoors, make sure it has some shade during the afternoon to avoid it getting sunburned.

Care After Potting: For the first few weeks after potting, avoid fertilizing the plant. Allow it to acclimate to its new environment. Once the plant is settled and actively growing, you can start fertilizing with a balanced, diluted liquid fertilizer for succulents, following the manufacturer’s instructions.

Maintenance: The ruby necklace plant is relatively low-maintenance. Water it sparingly, only when the top inch of the soil feels dry. Overwatering can cause root rot. Additionally, pinch or trim back the stems occasionally to encourage bushier growth.

Repotting Your Ruby Necklace

The String of Rubies is fast growing in comparison to many other succulents, yet it remains compact and doesn’t demand frequent repotting. This trailing plant doesn’t mind being slightly rootbound, so repotting every 2-3 years using a pot only one size larger will suffice.

The best time to repot a ruby necklace plant is during its active growing season, which is typically in the spring or early summer. Avoid repotting during the dormant or flowering period.

Once you have selected your new pot that is slightly larger than the current one, follow the steps above. 

For a few weeks after repotting, avoid fertilizing the plant to allow it to acclimate to its new environment. Resume regular care, including watering and fertilizing, once the plant has settled and starts actively growing again.

Pruning Your Ruby Necklace

Pruning a ruby necklace plant is a straightforward process that helps promote bushier growth, maintain a neat appearance, and rejuvenate the plant if it becomes leggy or overgrown. Here are some tips on how to prune your ruby necklace plant effectively:

Choose Healthy Stems: Inspect your plant and identify any unhealthy or damaged stems. Trim away any wilted, discolored, or shriveled parts using clean and sharp pruning shears.

Encourage Bushier Growth: If you want your ruby necklace plant to become bushier and more compact, prune the tips of the stems. This will encourage the plant to branch out and produce new growth from the sides.

Cut Back Leggy Growth: If your ruby necklace plant has become leggy with long, bare stems, consider cutting back the longer stems to a desirable length. Make clean cuts just above a leaf node (the point where leaves are attached to the stem). This will encourage new growth from the cut point.

Propagate Pruned Cuttings (Optional): Don’t let the pruned stems go to waste! You can propagate the cuttings by allowing them to dry for a day or two and then planting them in well-draining soil. Keep the soil lightly moist until new roots form.

Prune Dead or Yellowing Leaves: Remove any dead or yellowing leaves as they appear. This helps maintain the plant’s appearance and prevents the spread of diseases.

Observe and Adjust: Monitor your plant’s growth after pruning and adjust your care routine as needed. Ensure that it receives adequate light, water, and appropriate temperatures to support healthy regrowth.

Remember that while pruning can benefit your ruby necklace plant, it’s essential not to go overboard. Avoid cutting off too much of the plant at once, as this can cause stress. Always use clean and sharp pruning tools to prevent damage and infection to the plant.

Propagating Your Ruby Necklace

Here are two primary methods you can use: stem cuttings and division. Here’s a step-by-step guide for each method:

1. Propagation by Stem Cuttings:

Select Healthy Cuttings: Look for healthy, non-flowering stems on your Ruby Necklace plant. Choose stems that are at least a few inches long with several sets of leaves.

Take Cuttings: Using clean and sharp pruning shears or scissors, make a clean cut just below a leaf node (the point where leaves are attached to the stem). This is where the new roots will form.

Let Cuttings Callus: Allow the cut ends of the stem cuttings to dry and callus over for about a day. This helps prevent rotting when you plant them.

Plant the Cuttings: Fill a small pot with a well-draining succulent or cactus potting mix. Insert the cut ends of the stem cuttings into the soil, burying the node slightly. You can plant multiple cuttings in the same pot, but ensure they have some space between them.

Watering: Water the cuttings lightly, to avoid overwatering. Keep the soil slightly moist but not waterlogged.

Provide Indirect Light: Place the pot with the cuttings in a location with bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can cause stress to the newly propagated cuttings.

Root Development: Over the next few weeks, the cuttings should develop roots. You can gently tug on the cuttings after a few weeks to check for root development. Once they have established a good root system, you can treat them like mature plants and follow regular care instructions.

2. Propagation by Division:

Choose a Mature Plant: Select a healthy and well-established Ruby Necklace plant with multiple stems and good overall growth.

Remove the Plant from the Pot: Gently remove the entire plant from its pot, shaking off excess soil. Be careful not to damage the root system.

Separate the Stems: Carefully separate the stems from the main root system. You can gently tease them apart or use clean pruning shears if necessary.

Plant the Divisions: Prepare separate pots with well-draining succulent or cactus potting mix. Plant each division in its pot, ensuring the roots are well-covered with soil.

Watering: Water the newly potted divisions lightly to avoid overwatering, allowing the soil to drain excess water.

Provide Indirect Light: Place the newly potted divisions in a location with bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight initially, as the divisions may be sensitive after propagation.

Care for the New Plants: Treat the newly divided plants as you would mature ruby necklace plants, providing regular care and gradually acclimating them to more sunlight.

Remember that during both the pruning and propagation processes, it is crucial to handle your ruby necklace plant with care as its delicate bean-shaped leaves are prone to falling off easily if handled too roughly.

Common Problems for the Ruby Necklace

Pest and disease management, watering issues, and nutrient deficiencies can all pose common problems for the ruby necklace plant. Want to learn how to overcome these challenges and keep your plant thriving? Keep reading!

Pest and Disease Management

The ruby necklace plant is generally a hardy succulent with few pest and disease problems. However, it can occasionally be affected by common houseplant pests such as mealybugs or spider mites.

To prevent and manage these issues, regularly inspect your plant for any signs of infestation, such as white cotton-like clusters or tiny webs on the leaves. If you notice any pests, gently wipe them away with a damp cloth or cotton swab dipped in rubbing alcohol.

You can also use an insecticidal soap spray to treat more severe infestations. Additionally, ensure that your plant is not overwatered, as this can lead to root rot and other fungal diseases.

Solutions: If you encounter pest or disease issues with your ruby necklace plant, there are several solutions you can try. For pests like mealybugs or spider mites, gently wipe them off the leaves using a soft cloth dipped in rubbing alcohol.

You can also use insecticidal soap sprays to eliminate these pesky bugs.

Watering Issues

Overwatering can be a common issue for the ruby necklace plant, as it prefers to go completely dry between waterings. It is important to water thoroughly and then allow excess water to drain away completely.

This will prevent the roots from sitting in stagnant water, which can lead to root rot and other problems. To avoid watering issues, check the soil moisture level by sticking your finger about an inch into the soil.

If it feels dry at this depth, it’s time to water. Remember, overwatering can be detrimental to the health of your ruby necklace plant, so err on the side of underwatering rather than overwatering.

Solutions: To prevent watering issues such as root rot, make sure to provide proper drainage for your plant by using a pot with a drainage hole and a well-draining soil mix.

Nutrient Deficiencies

Nutrient deficiencies can occur in the ruby necklace plant if it is not provided with the necessary nutrients. One common deficiency is a lack of essential minerals such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

This can manifest in yellowing leaves or stunted growth. To prevent nutrient deficiencies, it is important to provide the plant with a balanced fertilizer that contains these essential elements.

Additionally, regularly monitoring the plant’s soil moisture levels and adjusting watering practices can help ensure proper nutrient uptake by the roots. By providing adequate nutrition, you can keep your ruby necklace plant healthy and vibrant.

Solutions: If you notice nutrient deficiencies like yellowing leaves, consider fertilizing your plant with a balanced succulent fertilizer during the growing season. Remember not to overwater or let the soil stay constantly moist as this can lead to fungal diseases.

Benefits of Growing a String of Rubies Plant

This plant is low-maintenance and versatile. It requires minimal care, making it perfect for beginners and busy plant owners. Whether hung in baskets or trailing down shelves, its stunning foliage, with ruby-red stems and bead-like leaves, adds a charming touch to any space.

Low Maintenance

The ruby necklace plant is a low-maintenance and easy-to-care-for succulent, making it an ideal choice for both beginner and experienced plant enthusiasts. This trailing succulent does not require a lot of light or water, making it perfect for those who may forget to water their plants regularly.

It can tolerate a wide range of light conditions, from full sun to partial shade, making it versatile for both indoor and outdoor cultivation. Additionally, the plant has a slow growth rate, so you don’t have to worry about constant pruning or trimming.

Simply provide well-draining soil, allow it to go completely dry between waterings, and enjoy its beautiful ruby-red leaves trailing down like a necklace made of rubies.


The ruby necklace plant is a great choice for hanging baskets or trailing down shelves. Its long trailing stems make it an ideal plant for adding cascading beauty to any space.

Whether you want to hang it from the ceiling or let it trail along a shelf, tits vibrant ruby-red leaves will add a pop of color and visual interest to your home or office.

With its low-maintenance nature and ability to thrive in various light conditions, it’s perfect for anyone looking to create a stunning display.

Ruby Necklace FAQs

How do I care for a Ruby Necklace plant?

Caring for a ruby necklace plant involves providing it with bright indirect light, watering it regularly but allowing the soil to dry out between waterings, and misting the leaves occasionally to increase humidity.

What type of soil should I use when growing a Ruby Necklace plant?

A well-draining potting mix that is specifically formulated for succulents or cacti is recommended for growing a ruby necklace plant. This type of soil will help prevent overwatering and root rot.

How often should I fertilize my Ruby Necklace plant?

During the growing season (spring and summer), you can fertilize your ruby necklace plant once every month using a balanced liquid fertilizer diluted to half strength. During the dormant period (fall and winter), no fertilization is necessary as the plant’s growth slows down.

Wrapping Up

The ruby necklace plant is a beautiful and unique trailing succulent that adds a pop of ruby red color to any space. With its low maintenance requirements and easy propagation techniques, it is an ideal choice for both beginner and experienced plant enthusiasts.

Whether grown indoors or outdoors, this plant’s stunning foliage will surely make a statement in your home or garden.