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Flowers That Mean I’m Sorry

Flowers That Mean I’m Sorry

Sometimes, words are not enough to express our sincere remorse for upsetting a loved one. In such cases, floriography- the language of flowers – can be of tremendous help. So, what are examples of flowers that mean “I’m sorry”?

Flowers that mean “I’m Sorry” include roses, peonies, daisies, blue hyacinths, and lilies. The ideal flower for conveying your apologies should represent love, peace, and rebirth. Additionally, the type of relationship you have with the upset party also matters when choosing a flower to send them.

Are you looking to use the symbolic meaning of flowers to help you make amends with a loved one? Read on to find the ideal flower for your situation.

1. Roses

Roses are arguably the most popular flowers in the world, and it’s easy to see why. Roses form gorgeous blooms and come with a sweet scent for good measure. It is no wonder that these flowers are used to express undying love and devotion by lovers the world over.

With that said, can you use a rose flower to say you are sorry? Well, it depends on who the aggrieved party is to you, as that will determine the most appropriate type of rose flower to use. This is because rose flowers come in different colors, with each having a unique meaning.

Let’s take a look at the most popular rose varieties:

Red Roses

Red Roses

Red roses represent intense feelings of love, passion, and admiration, which is why they are the go-to flower for Valentine’s Day. Therefore, a red rose would make a great “I’m Sorry” flower for a romantic partner who’s feeling neglected. It will go a long way in helping you reassure them that they still hold the number one spot in your heart.

However, as you can imagine, handing red roses to a platonic friend as an “I’m Sorry” gesture might do more harm than good since the other party might think you are being inappropriate.

White Roses

white roses
white roses

In floriography, the color white symbolizes purity, innocence, peace, and new beginnings. 

In addition to those things, the white rose also signifies honor and respect. This is why white roses make excellent “I’m Sorry” flowers since they help convey your need to make peace and start over afresh.

Moreover, since white roses don’t have any romantic connotations, you can be sure your message will not be misinterpreted.

Pink Roses

Pink Roses

Pink roses represent admiration for the delicate nature of femininity. Thus, they make good appreciation gifts for the ladies in your life. 

Again, using a pink rose as an “I’m Sorry” flower depends on the context. You can use pink roses to say sorry to a lady friend or family member with whom you have fallen out of touch.

Yellow Roses

Yellow Roses

Yellow roses represent happiness, appreciation, and optimism, thanks to their bright and lively hue. Consequently, the yellow rose is considered the ultimate flower to celebrate friendship.

You could use a yellow rose as an “I’m Sorry” flower if both parties had a role in the fallout. Sending this flower will allow you to remind the other party that you still treasure them as a friend and are willing to work things out.

2. Peonies


The lush and exuberant nature of a peony flower’s bloom has made this flower a hit in numerous societies across the world. Peonies are the most revered flowers in China and Japan, thanks to their beauty and medicinal properties. They are also highly coveted in the West, and peonies are the official flowers of the state of Indiana.

Peonies have a rich and storied history dating back over 3,000 years in ancient Greece, where they were first cultivated. 

The peony flower represents beauty and healing. As mentioned, this flower has medicinal properties and is absolutely gorgeous.

Therefore, peonies make excellent “I’m Sorry” flowers since they allow you to convey your interest in healing the compromised relationship, in addition to reminding that person how beautiful they are to you.

3. Daisies


Unlike most flowers, whose meanings tend to be abstract, the daisy flower derives its symbolism from its physical characteristics.

Daisies represent true love and new beginnings. The word daisy is a shortened version of “Day’s Eye,” the flower’s original name. This is because daisies usually close their petals at night, opening them in the morning to reveal a beautiful yellow center.

As such, the act of closing and opening their petals make daisies the ultimate symbol of starting afresh. 

Additionally, the daisy is a composite flower. It is not a flower in and of itself but consists of a group of flowers working harmoniously to improve the plant’s chances of survival. Interestingly, the yellow center and the white “petals” are different flowers.

Therefore, daisies represent not only new beginnings but also the virtue of harmony resulting from different entities putting their differences aside to work together.

You can, therefore, not go wrong by sending daisies to someone you want to make amends with.

4. Blue Hyacinths

Blue Hyacinth

Like roses, hyacinths come in many colors and varieties, each having a distinct meaning. However, hyacinths bloom in early spring, signifying rebirth.

Blue hyacinths make great “I’m Sorry” flowers since they represent peace and tranquility.

Hyacinths have an interesting history that is also rooted in Greek mythology. These flowers get their name from a Spartan prince, Hyacinthus, who had won over the affection of the Greek gods Zephyros and Apollon.

Legend has it that Zephyros, in jealousy, killed Hyacinthus as he played with Apollon. Beside himself with grief, Apollon cried as he held the dying prince, his tears transforming the handsome young Spartan into the beautiful flowers we call hyacinths.

As you can see, the legend of this beautiful flower makes it ideal for expressing remorse, as it shows how much pain you are experiencing for hurting someone dear to you.

5. Lilies

White Lilies

Lilies exude elegance, making them a fantastic gift for just about any occasion. So, can you use a lily flower to say you are sorry?

It depends on the color you choose. Collectively, lilies represent beauty, purity, and fertility.

However, different colors have distinct meanings attached to them. In our case, I would recommend white lilies since they symbolize rebirth, purity, and commitment.

Therefore, by sending someone a bouquet of white lily flowers, you will be letting them know you have learned the error of your ways, your intentions to make peace are pure, and that you are committed to making things right.

You can also throw in a few yellow lilies in the bouquet. Yellow lily flowers symbolize gratefulness, making them a good touch when looking to get back into someone’s good graces.


One of the cons of the digital age has been the gradual deterioration of manners and etiquette. Today, more and more people will send a flower “emoji” instead of the real thing to appease someone they have wronged.

However, I believe you are better than that; otherwise, you wouldn’t be reading this article.

Using flowers to express remorse is not only good etiquette, but it also shows initiative. Someone is more likely to consider your apology when they see the effort you have put into it.

Consider sending the flowers mentioned above to express your regret.

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