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20 Flowers That Symbolize Friendship

20 Flowers That Symbolize Friendship

In floriography, you can send messages through flowers, and one of the most popular flower messages to send is friendship. Although yellow flowers are by far the most common choice, there are options in every color of the rainbow. Join me as I discuss 20 of the options you have to choose from.

1. Alstroemerias


A genus of flowers native to South America, the alstroemeria is also known as the Lily of the Incas or the Peruvian Lily. It is found in numerous colors, including white, yellow, and pink.

All alstroemerias symbolize friendship due to the way their leaves grow — upside down and twisted, like the twists and turns of a friendship. However, the white alstroemeria, in particular, is a symbol of pure friendship.

2. Campanula


Also known as the bellflower or Canterbury bells, the campanula is — as its name suggests — a bell-shaped flower from the Campanulaceae family. Aside from its use in floral arrangements, it is also used in beekeeping as a source of very sweet honey. 

Though the flower does not directly symbolize friendship, it does symbolize consistency and loyalty — like that of a very good friend. It also represents gratitude and is a great way of thanking someone for being a very good friend to you.

3. Chrysanthemums


Chrysanthemums are autumnal flowers that were first cultivated in ancient China. They are also known as mums and are available in a range of colors.

Because mums are common in various parts of the world, they have different symbolisms around the globe. In Victorian England and the present-day United States, mums, especially pink mums, symbolize friendship. However, in Japan, they represent perfection, and in China, they denote good luck — so make sure your recipient knows what your gift means!

4. Daffodils


Daffodils flower in the spring and may also be called Narcissus. However, it’s essential to note that Narcissus is a genus that contains over 50 species, including the jonquil. 

These flowers symbolize a variety of things, one of which is friendship. Other symbolisms include rebirth and new beginnings, making them an excellent option to gift to a new friend or an old friend you have recently reconnected with.

5. Daisies 


Also known as the common daisy or the English daisy, these cheerful flowers are found across Europe and the Americas and are available in a range of colors. One of the many symbolisms of this flower is friendship, particularly yellow and orange daisies. Additionally, blue daisies symbolize loyalty and trust, making them a good gift for friends as well.  

6. Freesias


Freesias are originally from South Africa and have a delicate fragrance. Their delicate nature makes them challenging to grow in home gardens, but they remain a popular addition to floral arrangements.

These flowers have several different meanings and, in Victorian floriography, were a symbol of the ultimate trust in another person – the perfect flower for a good friend. Other symbolic meanings include friendship and innocence.

7. Geraniums

Pink Geranium

Geraniums are popular among home growers and include over 400 species of flowers. This variety means they are available in a range of colors and are popular in floral arrangements. 

In the Victorian language of flowers, they also symbolized foolishness, though this is no longer a popular association for the geranium. Today, these flowers generally symbolize positive emotions, including friendship and happiness.

8. Gerbera Daisies 

Gerbera Daisy

Gerbera daisies are flowers native to South Africa and are also known as Transvaal daisies. They are from the same genus of flowers as the common daisies, hence their name.

These flowers have a host of symbolic meanings, depending on the culture. The Celts believed they helped reduce stress, just like good friends do. Today, they symbolize loyal love and cheerfulness, making them the perfect symbol of a loyal friend who makes you happy. Orange and yellow gerberas, in particular, symbolize friendship.

9. Gladiolus


Sometimes called the “sword lily,” the gladiolus is a perennial flower found around the world. It is available in numerous colors, all of which have their own symbolism. 

The gladiolus generally symbolizes faithfulness and honesty – two values that all friends have. Additionally, the yellow gladiolus, in particular, symbolizes friendship and happiness.

10. Hydrangeas


Hydrangeas are a popular addition to flower arrangements thanks to the large flowers and fragrant, pleasant scent. They are native to Asia and the Americas and are especially common in east Asia. 

Because of the diversity of their range, they have different meanings around the world. In Europe, for example, they have a negative association with arrogance and boastfulness. 

However, in Japan, they are associated with heartfelt emotion, togetherness, and unity. This makes them the perfect way to tell a friend you are glad to have them in your life.

11. Irises


These summer-blooming flowers are among the most popular in the world. They are named after the Greek goddess of rainbows, thanks to the many colors they are available in. 

In general, irises mean wisdom, positive change, faith, and hope – all positive traits to have in a friend. However, like many other yellow flowers, yellow irises, in particular, are a symbol of friendship and other deeply treasured relationships.

12. Ivies


When it comes to floral arrangements, it’s not just flowers that are symbolic – so is a plant’s foliage. One plant in particular with very symbolic foliage is ivy.

Because of how tightly an ivy holds to its support once it starts growing, it is considered a symbol of friendship. Like a good friend, once an ivy takes hold of a structure, it’s difficult to separate it.

13. Nemesias


Also known as pouch nemesia, the nemesia is an African annual flower that is a popular addition in ornamental gardens around the world. The lovely scent of this flower also makes it popular in gifted floral arrangements. 

A flower that loves that sun, all nemesias are symbolic of friendship. 

14. Pear Blossoms

Pear Blossoms

Pear blossoms are the delicate white flowers of the flowering pear tree that are popular for their delicate, soft appearance and mild, sweet scent. They are popular around the world, which means they have a variety of different meanings, depending on the culture and time period. 

For example, in China, pear blossoms are a symbol of love and longevity, and the term “pear blossom” is occasionally used to describe attractive women. However, in Victorian floriography, they are a sign of a long and lasting friendship.

15. Platycodon (Balloon Flower) 


Also known as the Chinese or Japanese bellflower, the platycodon is called the balloon flower because its buds resemble balloons before the flower blooms. As an edible flower, it is used in Chinese traditional medicine as a way to treat inflammation and hypertension and is also used in culinary preparations.

Aside from its use in food and as a medicinal herb, the beauty of the balloon flower makes it popular in floral bouquets and arrangements, especially as it is a symbol of friendship, as well as love and honesty.

16. Roses

Yellow Rose

Roses are best known as a symbol of deep love — however, each rose color has its own meaning. While red roses are undoubtedly symbolic of romantic love, when it comes to yellow roses, their cheerful nature makes them one of the best-known floral symbols of friendship and joy.  

17. Sunflowers


Sunflowers are one of the most popular summer flowers. They are so named because their heads follow the sun in the summer

They’re popular as cut flowers and in floral bouquets thanks to their bright, cheerful appearance. This cheeriness also lends itself to one of the symbolic meanings of the sunflower — friendship.

These flowers symbolize friendship because of their long stalks, which are reminiscent of a long-term friendship. Additionally, they are also symbols of happiness and longevity — the same happiness a long-lasting friendship brings you.

18. Tulips

Pink tulips
Picture of beautiful pink tulips on shallow deep of field

Native to Central Asia, tulips are well-known as the national flower of the Netherlands, with the country being home to many tulip fields. Tulip season in the Netherlands is iconic thanks to these multicolored blooms. 

Aside from their beauty, tulips are also known as highly symbolic flowers. Similar to red roses, red tulips are a symbol of deep romantic love. On the other hand, pink tulips symbolize a deep love for your family and friends and are the perfect gift to show your friends your affection and care for them.

19. Yellow Orchids

Yellow orchid

Orchids are gorgeous flowers that are very popular in floral arrangements for their delicate beauty and scent. There are over 28,000 species of orchids in the world, and they are available in a range of shades — another factor that makes them a favorite as cut flowers in floral displays. 

While orchids, in general, are associated with fertility, yellow orchids, in particular, are symbolic of friendship and joy. They are also associated with friendship and elegance in China. 

20. Zinnias


Zinnias are annuals that are easy to grow, making them a popular option in gardens in hot climates. They work best in the USDA hardiness zones 3 to 10 and are available in a range of colors.

These cheerful flowers have numerous symbolic meanings. In Victorian floriography, they are symbolic of friends you haven’t seen in a long time and miss, while today, they are symbolic of friendship, remembering someone every day, and a fondness that lasts a long time. 


Whether you’re gifting a floral arrangement to an old friend or a new one, any of these flowers will make a great addition. They help tell the receiver how much you love and value having them in your life.

And if you receive these flowers in a bouquet? Well, now you know that the gifter truly values your friendship!

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