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Echeveria agavoides Care and Propagation

Echeveria agavoides Care and Propagation

Echeveria agavoides, usually a potted plant, is quite a popular succulent. Succulents, in general, are pretty easy to take care of. However, there are always specific ways in which you can take care of and propagate them so that they can thrive. 

Echeveria agavoides plants require rich, well-drained soil and full or partial sunlight. Make sure to keep this succulent away from frost and not overwater it since it can rot quickly. You can propagate it using offsets, stem cuttings, or leaves. The best time for propagation is summer or fall.

If you need more information, read the rest of this article. I will show you additional care tips and explain how to propagate Echeveria agavoides step-by-step. 

Echeveria agavoides Care Tips

Like any other plant, Echeveria agavoides or Lipstick Echeveria has specific requirements regarding certain conditions. To care for this plant, you need to pay attention to the soil you plant it in, the fertilizer, light exposure, and watering. Additionally, you should know how to prune, repot it, and keep pests and diseases at bay.

Soil and Fertilizer

When you plant Lipstick Echeveria, make sure that you choose rich and well-draining soil. You can use the soil that you use for any other succulent. This succulent doesn’t need fertilizing often, but whenever it’s time, you’ll notice that the leaves will wilt and start to become yellow.


This succulent prefers relatively warm climates and thrives in zone 9a areas, with mild winters and temperatures barely below freezing. However, Echeveria agavoides doesn’t like it when it gets too hot either since it can dry out if it doesn’t get enough water.


Echeveria agavoides requires full sun to partial shade. If you’re growing Echeveria agavoides outdoors in an area with particularly strong sunlight, partial shade is ideal since this succulent can be sunburnt. For best results indoors, place the potted succulent near a North-facing window.


Echeveria agavoides has great water retention properties, so it doesn’t need excessive watering. However, you should be careful not to underwater it either; otherwise, it will dry out and die.

You should only water Echeveria agavoides when the soil in the pot is dry. You can test this by using a moisture meter or sticking a dry chopstick into the soil and see if there’s wet dirt sticking to it. Make sure that the pot has drainage holes at the bottom to avoid overwatering Echeveria agavoides, which can easily rot and die.


When it comes to pruning, you won’t need to bother with Echeveria agavoides. This type of succulent doesn’t require pruning. All you need to do is remove the dying leaves, always being careful not to damage the plant in the process.


Echeveria agavoides grows significantly over time, so you might have to repot it if you initially plant it in a small pot. You need to check on your succulent and see if it’s outgrown its pot, meaning the leaves are nearing the edges of the pot, and there is no room for root growth.

You can also repot Echeveria agavoides whenever you feel like it needs fresh and richer soil. It’s recommended you repot once a year or two, depending on the soil and the state of your succulent. It’s important to remember that you shouldn’t repot Echeveria agavoides during its dormancy state because you may harm it or stop it from growing.

Potential Diseases or Pest

If you keep your Echeveria agavoides in a pot inside your home, you should watch out for mealy bugs. These pests suck the juices from plants, causing spotted or deformed leaves, and they look like little white spots on your plant’s leaves. To get rid of them, isolate the infected plant and wipe the leaves with alcohol.

Echeveria agavoides can also develop gray mold, which spots the leaves and can even attack the roots if not taken care of early enough. It appears as gray patches on the leaves. To get rid of grey mold, you can try using a fungicide or removing the damaged leaves.

How To Propagate Echeveria agavoides

Echeveria agavoides can be propagated using offsets, cuttings, or leaves. It can take a few weeks to a few months for a new plant to emerge. The ideal time to propagate this succulent is during summer or fall when the plant is not dormant.

Propagation From Offsets

You’ll find that Echeveria agavoides produces offsets quite often, especially if it’s kept under a lot of light. These offsets can become connected to the main root if they grow too much, so make sure to replant them before they reach three inches (7.62 cm).

  1. Find an offset near the base of the plant.
  2. Pull the offset carefully to remove it from the mother plant.
  3. Get a new pot ready with rich and well-draining soil.
  4. Put the offset in the new pot and only water if the soil is completely dry.

Propagation From Cuttings

Follow these steps if using cuttings to propagate Echeveria agavoides:

  1. Use a sharp knife or scissors to cut a stem off the succulent, making sure it is at least four inches tall (10.16 cm).
  2. Trim the cutting and allow it to become callous for a few days.
  3. Place the cutting in a pot with succulent mix and gravel or sand.
  4. Make sure to keep the soil moist, but don’t overwater it.
  5. Keep the pot out of direct sunlight for the first two weeks.
  6. Repot the plant when it outgrows the pot.

Propagation From Leaves

You can use leaves to grow Echeveria agavoides by doing the following:

  1. Choose a healthy and firm leaf to cut.
  2. Use a sharp knife or scissors to cut the leaf from the stem, making sure not to damage the plant.
  3. Allow the leaf a few days to callus in sunlight.
  4. Prepare the soil in a pot using succulent mix.
  5. Place the leaf cutting in the pot, watering if necessary.
  6. After a new plant has grown and the original leaf has died, repot the plant.

Final Thoughts

Echeveria agavoides is a gorgeous succulent that requires relatively little care. The most important tips to observe when caring for this plant are not to overwater it, and to keep it relatively warm. 

You should make sure to plant the Echeveria agavoides in rich and well-drained soil and place it under full sun or partial shade.
This succulent can be propagated using offers, cuttings, or leaves. Whichever method you use, keep in mind to propagate during the non-dormant period for best results. Additionally, keep the new plant moist in rich soil.

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